Booking Options & Rates
❖ Payments are due at the time of booking, details in booking process.
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Weekly Private Lessons
Please contact the studio to inquire about availability on the weekly schedule.
- 1 lesson per week, $258 +hst for 5 weeks
- 2 lessons per week, $462 +hst for 5 weeks
Consultation/Individual Lessons
Individuals interested in booking a consultation/trial lesson may do so here.
- $70 +hst
*Effective February 4: The recurring schedule is currently FULL, but can change at any time. Please contact the studio if you would like to be notified when a space opens up. Individuals wishing to book a consultation/single lesson may do so, however attendance after that must either be wait listed, or by Casual Booking until a recurring space becomes available. Casual Booking clients will be prioritized for space on the recurring schedule.
Group Classes
Group classes are held at Lokamotion Studio, 151 Main Street, on Fridays at 10:30am. Group classes are no more than 6-8 people, will run approximately 45 minutes, mats are on site. Please note these classes are NOT intended for individuals with health or musculoskeletal concerns. Book here.
- $20 +hst
Interested in an evening group class? Let us know!
Cancelling or Rescheduling
Booked lessons may be cancelled or rescheduled here, or using the Acuity Scheduling Client App (available in your app store). You will need to set up/log in to your Acuity account to use either option.
Gift Certificate Holders
Please contact the studio prior to booking.